University of Dallas Faculty

Lauren Minch, CFA, CPA, CGMA
Adjunct Instructor of Finance, Gupta College of Business
Email: lminch@xinglongmaofang.com
Office Hours: By Appointment

Russell Mirabelli, MS-INSY
Adjunct Instructor, Computer Science
Phone: (972) 721-5175
Email: rmirabelli@xinglongmaofang.com
Office: Patrick E. Haggerty Science Center #52
Office Hours: By Appointment

Christopher Mirus, PhD
Department Chair, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Coordinator, History & Philosophy of Science Concentration
Phone: (972) 265-5842
Email: mirus@xinglongmaofang.com
Office: Braniff Graduate Building #336
Office Hours: WR 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. or by Appointment

Jacob Moldenhauer, PhD
Department Chair and Associate Professor, Physics

Andrew Moran, PhD
Associate Professor, Chair, English
Phone: (972) 721-4115
Email: amoran@xinglongmaofang.com
Office: Braniff Graduate Building #236
Office Hours: M 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. / T 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. / R 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.

Laura Munoz, PhD
Professor of Marketing, Gupta College of Business
Phone: (972) 721-5191
Email: lmunoz@xinglongmaofang.com
Office: SB Hall #209
Office Hours: By Appointment

Renita Murimi, PhD, CISSP
Associate Professor of Cybersecurity, Gupta College of Business
Phone: (972) 721-5058
Email: rmurimi@xinglongmaofang.com
Office: SB Hall #240
Office Hours: By Appointment

Brian Murray, PhD
Professor of Management, Gupta College of Business
Phone: (972) 721-5008
Email: bmurray@xinglongmaofang.com
Office: SB Hall #226
Office Hours: By Appointment

Néfer Muñoz-Solano, PhD
Associate Professor of Spanish, Lower-Division Coordinator of Spanish, Modern Languages
Phone: (972) 721-5367
Email: nmunozsolano@xinglongmaofang.com
Office: Anselm #107
Office Hours: TR 3:30-5:00 p.m. or by Appointment

Mihee Nahm, MFA
Assistant Professor of Painting
Phone: (972) 265-5787
Email: mnahm@xinglongmaofang.com
Office: Painting/Printmaking Building, #204
Office Hours: F 12 - 3:00 p.m.

Yoshiaki Nakazawa, PhD
Department Chair and Associate Professor, Education and Classical Learning
Phone: (972) 721-4110
Email: ynakazawa@xinglongmaofang.com
Office: Braniff Graduate Building #14
Office Hours: M 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. / W 12:00 - 2:00 p.m. or by Appointment

PT Navendra, DBA
Adjunct Instructor of Business Analytics, Gupta College of Business
Email: pnavendra@xinglongmaofang.com
Office Hours: By Appointment

Sr. Mary Angelica Neenan, OP, STD
Affiliate Assistant Professor, Theology
Phone: (972) 265-5859
Email: srmangelica@xinglongmaofang.com
Office: Braniff Graduate Building #220
Office Hours: MWF 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. / TR 4:00 - 5:00 p.m.

Cynthia Nielsen, PhD
Professor, Philosophy
Phone: (972) 265-5710
Email: cnielsen@xinglongmaofang.com
Office: SB Hall #227
Office Hours: F 12:00 - 1:00 p.m.

John Norris, PhD
Associate Professor, Theology; Associate Provost, Senior Academic Officer
Phone: (972) 721-5234
Email: jnorris@xinglongmaofang.com
Office: Farrell Hall #223
Office Hours: By Appointment

Stefan Novinski, MFA
Associate Professor, Interim Chair, Drama
Phone: (972) 721-7018
Email: snovins@xinglongmaofang.com
Office: Drama Building #108
Office Hours: MWF 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. or by Appointment

Anthony Nussmeier, PhD
Department Chair, Director of Italian, Associate Professor of Italian, Modern Languages
Phone: (972) 721-5248
Email: anussmeier@xinglongmaofang.com
Office: Anselm 111
Office Hours: MW 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. or by Appointment

Richard Olenick, PhD
Professor, Physics
Phone: (972) 721-5313
Email: olenick@xinglongmaofang.com
Office: Haggerty Science Center #41
Office Hours: T 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. / W 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. / F 1:00 - 2:00 p.m.

Marie-Thaïs Levesque Oliver, D.M.A.
Adjunct Faculty, Music

Joe Oliveti, MBA
Affiliate Instructor of Accounting, Gupta College of Business
Email: joliveti@xinglongmaofang.com
Office Hours: By Appointment